The benefits of nuts for male potency and recipes to improve libido

Doctors of many countries, having studied the effect of nutrition on the reproductive system, recognize that nuts for potency in men are useful with the constant consumption of their daily norm. More than 75% of married couples during the survey noted the restoration of the regularity of sexual intercourse. Doctors of reproductive clinics also confirm the beneficial effect of nuts on male potency, improving the quality of sperm and increasing the number of successful conceptions of a child. To achieve the effect, it is enough to eat dry grains, but it is tastier to use them in mixes, cocktails and other dishes - there are many recipes for every taste.

What are the benefits of nuts for potency

benefits of nuts for potency

Nuts are not only tasty, they are also very useful.

The maximum content of amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and microelements necessary for a man for high potency is in nuts. The components of their composition have a stimulating effect on libido, prevent the development of cancer or prostate adenoma, and prevent problems with erection.

List of useful substances of nuts for improving and increasing potency in men:

Biochemical composition List of useful substances Benefits for male potency
Micro and macronutrients
  • Calcium
  • Iodine
  • Zinc
  • Sulfur
  • Chlorine
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • The iron
  • Manganese
They participate in the production of sex hormones and sperm, increase the tolerance of the cardiovascular system to physical activity, improve the functions of the reproductive organs and the quality of sexual life.
PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids)
  • Omega 3
  • Omega―6
Participate in the synthesis of sex hormones, maintain potency.

  • Group B: pyridoxine, biotin, folic and nicotinic acid, thiamin, riboflavin
  • Ascorbic acid (C)
  • Retinol (A)
  • Phylloquinone (K1)
  • Tocopherol (E)
  • β-carotene
They participate in the synthesis of polyunsaturated fats, improve cell metabolism, activate the organs of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems and increase immunity.
Amino acids
  • Arginine
  • Valine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • tryptophan
Necessary to increase libido, erection stability and fullness of orgasm, normalize the production of serotonin, testosterone, nitric oxide.
Protein 14-26% in 100g It is a "building material" for testosterone and sperm.

To boost erectile function, libido stability, and sperm usefulness, a man should eat the daily norm of arginine, omega-3, tocopherol, zinc, iron, and magnesium daily. The remaining vitamins, PUFAs, macronutrients and amino acids contained in nuts are necessary to restore cells, neurons, microcirculation and metabolism, and normalize hormone production.

What effect do nuts have on potency

The complex effect of the composition of nuts activates the synthesis of testosterone, stimulates the reproductive organs, strengthens potency and erection, increases reduced libido and promotes the production of full-fledged sperm. The systematic replenishment of useful substances leads to a harmonious interaction of the sexual, endocrine, nervous and vascular systems. It has a positive effect on a man's sex life.

Which nuts increase potency better

Andrologists confirm that you need to eat peanuts, hazelnuts (hazelnuts) and walnuts for potency. They quickly fill the deficiency in amino acids, vitamins, PUFAs, trace elements and are available all year round for families on any budget. You can diversify the diet and expand the range of nutrients by eating almonds, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, nutmeg and Brazil nuts.

Important! The most useful nuts for increasing male potency are dried nuts. If the grains are fried or salted, they lose some of their healing properties.

Which nuts do not increase potency: Coconut, Macadamia, and Pecan. They are useless for a man, since they contain the least protein and substances useful to the reproductive organs.

Pistachios and almonds

Pistachios improve blood circulation in the genitals, make sperm full, increase libido and increase orgasm. With impotence, they should be consumed at 90 g for three weeks, and as a preventive measure no more than 15 pieces / day.

pistachios and almonds for power

Pistachios and almonds

Almonds are rich in amino acids, so they stimulate the production of sex hormones, increase attraction and enhance libido. To increase potency, it is enough for a man to eat up to 30 g of these nuts (20 pieces) per week half an hour before breakfast.

Doctors recommend alternating the consumption of dried pistachios without salt and almonds. Which of these nuts will be more useful for potency - each man decides for himself.

Pine nuts and hazelnuts (hazelnut)

Pine nuts are useful for potency in their raw form. Thanks to their composition, the mobility and strength of the sperm itself, as well as the process of ejaculation and the duration of erection, are improved. The remaining substances are involved in the mechanisms of hematopoiesis, metabolism. Men's reviews indicate that for the treatment of impotence it is necessary to eat 50 g (300 pieces) of pine nuts per day for 21 consecutive days. In order to prevent them, use 1 tbsp. spoon.

Hazelnut or hazelnut increases energy reserves, restores neurons, improves metabolism, improves male potency. A good helper for boosting libido is the daily consumption of 50 g of hazelnut with sour cream and honey.


Nutmeg is useful for increasing potency thanks to its composition rich in microelements and pectin. It prevents cardio diseases, erectile dysfunction, pathologies of the vascular and nervous system.

Nutmeg should be used for psychogenic impotence or decreased libido. Its powder is added to tea, when preparing jams, compotes, meat or fish dishes, vegetable side dishes, pastries and other hot dishes.

Why nutmeg is good for potency:

  • belongs to natural aphrodisiacs, increases the excitement of men (and women),
  • improves blood supply to reproductive organs,
  • relieves muscle fatigue,
  • promotes relaxation after stress or psycho-emotional overwork,
  • spicy substances are involved in the normalization of the nervous system.
nutmeg for potency


Spices should not be consumed at more than 1. 5 g/day or in combination with alcohol. Therefore, instead of alcohol extract, hot water infusion or nutmeg decoctions are more useful.

Cashews and Brazil nuts

Cashews quickly replenish zinc deficiency so that testosterone synthesis and level resume within a week of daily use. It is recommended to eat 30 g of nuts per month. With increased weight, the daily rate is reduced to 15 g.

American doctors recommend using Brazil nuts for their potency. They increase testosterone levels, activate the synthesis of sex hormones, improve the quality and quantity of sperm. You shouldn't eat more than 2-3 per day, as there can be an overabundance of selenium.


Traditional healers recommend to be treated with healing gifts of nature that grow in the homeland of man, since their biochemical composition is better absorbed by the body. In their opinion, the nut will be most useful for potency if a man was born or grew up in the central latitudes of the country. It contains a vast complex of substances necessary for the normal and uninterrupted functioning of the reproductive organs and the prevention of chromosomal abnormalities in the germ cells. The maximum daily dose is the kernels of 8 walnuts.

Impact on the potency of nuts in combination with sour cream

Nuts filled with homemade sour cream have a good effect on potency in men. This dairy product accelerates the absorption of nutrients, therefore, an increase in libido and sperm motility is noted after 3-5 times the consumption of such a mixture. The combination of animal and vegetable proteins with fats stimulates the metabolism, which improves the functioning of the brain, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Recipes for improving potency in men

The section includes simple and healthy recipes with a list of ingredients that help increase potency in men. The list of nuts used can be changed as desired - this will preserve the effect of the products and diversify the diet. Nutritionists recommend mastering new recipes more often - so that healthy dishes are not "pumped".

assorted nuts for potency

Nuts can be gnawed on like this, but they get bored pretty quickly

Mix-assortment "Male power"

The most useful nuts for men are their mixture. To enhance the effect on potency, it is recommended to mix them with dried fruits, honey and lemon juice. All components are taken in equal amounts, no more than 50 g.


  • nuts: cashews, pistachios, walnuts,
  • dried fruits: raisins, dried figs,
  • pulp and juice of 1 lemon
  • liquid honey.

The components are passed through a meat grinder, mixed, stored in a tightly closed container under the freezer in the refrigerator. Eat 2 dessert spoons of the mixture daily.

cedar stain

Tincture for potency of pine nuts is stored for a long time, it is easy to prepare. But doctors recommend a man to stop using it 2-3 months before the planning period for conceiving a child.


  • 100 g of dried pine nuts,
  • 1500 ml of quality grain vodka or moonshine.

The components are placed in a bottle or jar, tightly closed and infused for 30 days in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding + 30º C. Shake the contents daily. After a month, the liquid is filtered. Tincture to drink 50 g twice a week or three times a day 1 tbsp. I. diluted with 20 ml of water and consumed orally.

Dessert with nuts and fruits

To improve potency, twenty grams of cashews and pine nuts are added to a fruit salad recipe (peaches, bananas, strawberries) and seasoned with yogurt or whipped sour cream with honey.

nut and fruit salad for potency

Nuts can also be added to meat salads.

Cocktail of nuts and sour cream

The recipe uses at its discretion the best nuts to increase the potency to your taste. The cocktail is consumed immediately after preparation.


  • 250ml sour cream
  • 2 chicken yolks beaten with greens,
  • 15 g of finely crushed walnuts,
  • salt to taste.

The components are combined and whipped with a mixer until smooth. Sour cream nuts will benefit a man if eaten 2-3 hours before the planned sexual intercourse.

nutmeg recipe

As it is customary to take nutmeg for potency: 0. 5 g of spice powder is poured into 2 liters of boiling water, insisted for 60 minutes, strained. The liquid is divided into several portions.

How to use: drink the first glass in the evening 30 minutes before the planned sexual intimacy. The exciting action lasts at least 3 hours. In case of impotence, take 150-200 ml of infusion daily until the effect appears.

Nut-honey mix

Honey is another useful product for the potency and quality of sperm. It can be used in 2 tbsp. I. daily, but it is better to prepare a mixture of nuts.


  • three glasses of dried crushed walnut kernels and 100 g of peanuts,
  • 300 ml dark liquid honey (chestnut, buckwheat, etc. ).

The components are thoroughly mixed and transferred to a jar. Every day you need to eat up to 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture.

nuts with honey for potency

This candy goes well with unsweetened tea.


Whatever nuts are useful for potency in men, it is forbidden to use them if they are allergic to them. It is also forbidden to mix them with honey or other products if a person has an individual intolerance to the types of food indicated in the recipe.

Other contraindications and restrictions:

  • it is forbidden to use immature nuts or nuts with unnatural mold, smell, color,
  • you can not eat them more than the daily allowance, as they also contain harmful substances,
  • having a tendency to be overweight, it is not recommended to eat pine nuts often,
  • people with a high heart rate should reduce their consumption of almonds,
  • in case of severe diabetes or liver disease, hazelnuts are contraindicated.

Important! The use of nuts in excess of the daily dose causes allergies, increases body weight and impairs the functioning of the digestive system. This reduces the strength of potency and the quality of seminal fluid.

Whatever nuts are chosen for the diet of men, they are all useful for potency. These products are available all year round and retain their properties for a long time. Nuts help faster if mixed and mixed with honey and / or sour cream.